


Andropeyronie® is a user-friendly Penile traction device that uses traction principles to stimulate the corpus cavernosum and fix bent & curved Penis. Andropeyronie® is a Medical extender device developed by medical professionals. It has been designed to help with bent, curved Penis or those struggling with Peyronie’s disease. It can help reduce the natural Curvature of their organ caused by injuries or by Peyronie’s disease and even increase the organ’s length and girth.

Andromedical has patented and researched the Penile Traction Device and named it Andropeyronie®, a device to treat Peyronie’s disease and penile Curvature. Based on a medical research study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine (2013, Dr. Martínez-Salamanca et al.), Andropeyronie® reduces penis curvature by greater than 60 percent, with a discomfort reduction and an improvement in men’s health.

According to Mayo Clinic’s scientific studies, it is estimated that 1% – 3% of men suffer from the Curvature of their Penis. The most common cause of Curvature is Peyronie’s disease, and the other cause is Congenital Curvature.

So, Buy Andropeyronie® online from OH!MAN to reduce the Curvature of your Penis at an Affordable price

Course4 Month
Andropeyronie4 to 5 Hours (Daily) x 4 to 6 Months
Recommended UsageDaily usage 4-8 hours

*Medical Prescription Not Required

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What Exactly is Andropeyronie®?

Andropeyronie® is a user-friendly Penile traction device researched, developed & patented by Medical professionals at Andromedical. It has been designed to help with bent, curved penises or those struggling with Peyronie’s disease as an effective non-invasive, and non-surgical treatment. Moreover,  it is an effective method that can help reduce natural penile curvature caused by injuries or by Peyronie’s disease… and even increase the length and girth of the penis. Andropeyronie® is really easy & comfortable to use and spreads the pressure of the glans to a larger area to reduce the discomfort.

How to Use Andropeyronie®

User Instructions Manual is provided with the Andropeyronie®., which provides step-by-step guidance on how to use Andropeyronie®. It is easy to put on and remove, thanks to the comforting features of the device.

Andropeyronie® is a penile traction device that slowly stretches the penis and corrects its position. The first visible result can be observed around the 2nd month of usage. Be Patience if you don’t see any changes during this time frame; it takes longer for some people depending upon their condition.

Key Features

  • Reduces curved penis by upto 60%
  • Reduction in pain associated with peyronie’s disease
  • Increases penis length 1,5 cm or 0.6″.
  • Provides safer results and improves sexual function.
  • Results are based on Clinical Studies.


  • Spain
  • Andropeyronie® is originally designed and produced by Andromedical, a specialist urology laboratory company, and Andropeyronie® is CE marked as a Class 1 Medical Device (MDD 93/42/EEC).

Key Features of Andropeyronie®
I have been using andropeyronies for the last 3 months and have seen a significant reduction in my penis curvature. Thanks to Ohman’s Andropeyronie device, my penis now looks bigger and straight.


I was looking for a way to reduce my penis curvature without surgery on the internet. There I found Ohman’s andropeyroines device. I consulted Ohman’s doctor online, who suggested using at least 4 months to reduce curvature. I purchased and used it for 6 months, and Thanks to it, my penis curvature is almost Gone.


I was suffering from Peyronie’s disease, and I didn’t want to choose surgery as my treatment option. I shared my concerns with my doctor, who suggested using penile traction devices like Andropeyronies as a non-surgical treatment for Peyronie’s disease. I looked for Andropeyronies online, found OHMAN’s online store, and purchased Andropeyronies from Ohman. Timely delivery and quality product of Ohman helped me start my treatment fast, and now after 4 months of use, my penis curvature, which was caused by Peyronie’s disease, is reduced to more than 60%. I would highly recommend Andropeyronies if you are looking for non-surgical treatment for Peyronie’s disease.

Suresh Singh


a person suffering from Uncontrolled diabetes, Testicular cancer, Acute prostatitis, Sexually transmitted Diseases, hydrocele, or abdominal hernia, Should avoid the use of Andropeyronie®. If you want to use it, please take medical advice before using it.

Side- Effects

Andropeyronie® has no direct Side effects on your body if used correctly as per instructions.


  • Before using Andropeyronie® for the first time, one must go through all the instructions on how to use it.
  • Please do not use it during sleep, urination and physical activity like sports.
  • Do Not use during sexual intercourse
  • Avoid using it when you are under the influence of drugs and alcohol
  • Regularly check for spots on skin and abnormalities in members to avoid fungal infections and other problems
  • Avoid the use of Andropeyronie® if you are suffering from Sexually transmitted diseases. 
  • Andropeyronie® is not meant for teenagers below 18
  • Regularly consult with a doctor about abnormalities you face during the use of Andropeyronie®.
  • Uses of medicines like anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and hair growth medicines affect the results of Andropeyronie®.

Beware of Online Scams

Nowadays, lots of devices are available in the market that claims to correct penile curvature and increase penile length. Don’t blindly follow these claims; always check for authentications before burying any products online.

Frequently Asked Questions

Medical guide of Penis Extenders

Andropeyronie is the latest innovation in its field. Until recently, penile curvatures were thought to be only treatable with invasive, often aggressive, surgery which could reduce the length of the penis.

This device uses traction and pulls the penis in the opposite direction of the curvature. Over time, this corrects the curve and also stimulates growth in the penis.

The increase in size caused by Andropeyronie happens as a result of tissue reacting to continuous traction. By applying this pressure, the cells inside the penis will divide and multiply, leading to greater growth and length.

The degradation of tissue caused by Peyronie’s disease can cause the penis to shorten, especially if left untreated. The Andropeyronie medical extender device helps to correct the curvature caused by Peyronie’s or by an injury, but it also stimulates the growth of the penis, too.

In a word, yes. Traction is used as a principle in a wide range of surgical procedures. These include tissue expansion for the covering of hair loss areas, burns and defects, and in orthopedics, too. Traction can lengthen the bones, and it is used in various tribal cultures worldwide for the lengthening of necks, and extending of lips, earlobes and more besides.

Andropeyronie needs to be used when the penis is in a flaccid state. Firstly, it needs to be placed on the penis and fastened and arranged so that the stronger traction force is applied on the side of the penis opposite the curve. This will allow the device to pull the penis into a straight position, and correct the curvature of the penis. Andropeyronie needs to be worn for eight to nine hours per day, with a break every two hours.

This treatment is aimed at patients aged 18 and over. However, there appears to be no upper age limit for Andropeyronie – we’ve studied men of 60 and 70 years, and the traction was proven to stimulate growth with these subjects, too.

Indeed they do. The results do not diminish with time and are highly durable.

Thankfully not. Andropeyronie stimulates the division of cells within the penile tissue, causing growth in all dimensions. It will not only get longer, it will get thicker as well.

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